Deceased Student Policy

Added: 07/01/2015
Revised: 12/23/2019
Last Reviewed: 02/10/2020
Effective: 01/01/2021


The University responds in an accurate, timely, equitable, and compassionate manner in cases of notification of the death of any past or present student.


  1. Institutional Recognition
  • In an effort to recognize students who have died, MGA will designate one seat during each commencement exercise (spring and fall semesters) in memory of all members of the MGA community who have died.
  • This seat will be recognized as part of the commencement exercise. This recognition will not detract from the accomplishments of the students graduating. The recognition will be followed by a brief moment of silence.
  • This policy is specific to students who have died, but it is noted that all members of the MGA faculty and staff who have died will be acknowledged in the same way. Names of those who have died will not be listed in the graduation program to avoid inadvertently excluding anyone.
  • The commencement recognition is the only public gathering offered by the institution. Individual requests for a private gathering of families or friends of the deceased will be reviewed on a case by case basis and approved by the Office of the President.
  • Requests for the awarding of posthumous degrees for students will be reviewed by the Division of Academic Affairs with a recommendation made to the University President for final decision.
  • After a currently enrolled student or a currently employed faculty or staff member passes away, a Middle Georgia State University flag will be flown to commemorate the individual and symbolize the loss to the University community. The flag will be flown for one week, then removed. A memento will be presented to the family of the deceased as a symbol of respect and remembrance.
  1. Campus Notification
Currently enrolled students
  1. When an employee of the University is notified of the death of an enrolled student, this information should be relayed to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs who will:
    1. Verify positive identification with law enforcement, coroner, funeral home, etc.
    2. Contact family, if possible.
    3. Send memo of notification to:
  • Registrar
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Assistant Director of Financial Aid
  • Director of Residence Life, if applicable
  • Controller
  • Bursar
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs
  • Counseling Center staff
  • International Admissions Counselor, if applicable
  • Chief of Public Safety
  • Director of Communications
  • Assessment & Care Team (ACT)


  • President
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Vice President for Fiscal Affairs
  • Chief of Staff
  • University Council
  • Chief Human Resources Officer



I have been advised and have confirmed the death of current Middle Georgia State University student, Jane Doe, MGAID# 983-00-0000, via notice from newspaper and/or funeral home.



  • cancel Ms. Doe’s current registration,
  • per BOR policy (1979-80, p. 61; 1986-87, pp. 24-25; 1995, p. 246) please process a refund of all nonresident fees, matriculation fees, and other mandatory fees.   When the check is ready, please mail to the Banner address of record.
  • cancel any student e-mail or electronic access,
  • remove Ms. Doe’s name from any calling/mailing list, and
  • please proceed (Chief of Police or Chief Human Resources Officer) with flying the MGA flag as noted in MGA’s Deceased Student Policy  After the flag has flown for one week, please remove the flag.


Ms. Doe, a __insert__ major, is currently enrolled in __insert__ semester hours. I will notify each of Ms. Doe’s professors of her death and will offer information regarding counseling services for the students in each class.


A letter will be mailed to Ms. Doe’s family from the President. [The address in BANNER will be included.]

  1. Send memo of notification to:
  • Each instructor


  • Program Director/Chair
  • Dean of the School
  • School secretary/administrative assistant



You may already be aware of the __insert date__ death of your student, Jane M. Doe, MGAID# 983-00-0000. See Macon Telegraph and funeral home notices below.

Please advise your students that the staff of the Counseling Center is standing by and prepared to assist as requested. The Counseling Center is located on the second floor of the Student Life Center on the Macon Campus, 478-471-2985 and in Georgia Hall on the Cochran Campus, 478-934-3092. Counseling services will be made available on all five campuses, as needed.
As indicated below, the family will greet friends from __time__ to __time__ at __location__. The funeral will be held at __time__, __month___, _day_, _year_, at __location__.

ENGL 0000 00 Professor
MATH 000 00 Professor
HIST 0000 00 Professor
PE 0000 00 Professor

  1. Send e-mail notification to students via the Knightly News.


Students, we are sad to confirm the __insert date__ death of your fellow student, Jane M. Doe. See Macon Telegraph and funeral home notices below. Please be advised that the staff of the Counseling Center is standing by and prepared to assist you. The Counseling Center is located on the second floor of the Student Life Center on the Macon Campus, Room 266, 478-471-2985 and on the first floor of Georgia Hall on the Cochran Campus, 478-934-3092. Counseling services will be made available on all five campuses, as needed.

As indicated below, the family will greet friends from __time__ to __time__ at __location__. The funeral will be held at __time__, __month___, _day_, _year_, at __location__.
  1. A condolence letter will be sent to the family from President on behalf of the institution.
  2. Attend visitation/funeral services, if possible.
Previously enrolled student
  1. When an employee of the University is notified of the death of a previously enrolled student, this information should be relayed to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs who will:
    1. Verify positive identification with law enforcement, coroner, funeral home, etc.
    2. Contact family, if possible and as appropriate.
    3. Send notification to:
  • Registrar
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Assistant Director of Financial Aid
  • Director of Residence Life , if applicable
  • Controller
  • Bursar
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs
  • Counseling Center staff
  • International Admissions Counselor, if applicable
  • Chief of Public Safety
  • Director of Communications
  • Assessment & Care Team (ACT)


  • President
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Vice President for Fiscal Affairs
  • Chief of Staff
  • University Council
  • Chief Human Resources Officer


I have been advised and have confirmed the death of former Middle Georgia State University/College student, Jane Doe, MGAID# 983-00-0000. See Macon Telegraph and funeral home notices below.

Please cancel any student e-mail or electronic access and please remove Ms. Doe’s name from any calling/mailing list.

Ms. Doe, a __insert__ major, was last enrolled __insert semester and year__. I will notify the Dean of the School of __insert name__.
  1. Send condolence letter from the University President to the family, as appropriate, depending on the date of death and time since last enrolled.
  2. Attend visitation/funeral services, if possible and as appropriate.


  1. Release of Information
  • Following the notification procedures above, the Registrar will place a “deceased” indicator on the deceased student’s academic record. Additionally, addresses for the deceased student will be updated to prevent inadvertent or additional mailings (related to enrollment, matriculation or alumni outreach) and to reflect the reason for the closure of the academic record.
  • The Registrar will initiate procedures to close the student’s academic record.   As noted by AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers) and FERPA, the privacy interests of the individual are no longer in effect with the student’s death. FERPA rights and the rights of privacy regarding the student’s academic record end at death. As a matter of institutional policy, the following procedures shall regulate the condition under which a student’s academic information shall be disclosed to survivors or other third parties.
  • Middle Georgia State University shall continue to treat the academic records of the deceased student the same as those of living students in that only directory information may be released to third parties.
  • Middle Georgia State University shall require documentation that certifies power of attorney or executor authorization to allow disclosure of information (other than directory) to survivors and/or other third parties. With proper documentation, either the parent or the next of kin are considered the owner of the student’s academic records.
  • Accepted documentation for the release of a deceased student’s information include:
    • Family (parent, spouse, or children) shall provide a copy of the death certificate, a photo ID, and complete a request form (available in the Registrar’s Office).
    • Guardian/third party shall provide probate documentation and/or power of attorney, copy of the death certificate, and a photo ID.
  • Unless authorized by the requestor (family member or executor), the University does not permit the release of the deceased student’s educational record/information for a period of ten (10) years after death.


Any revision to these procedures must be approved by the University president.