9.1.6 Commercial Solicitation and Sales Policy
Previous Revision/Approval | 03/04/2020 |
Revised: | N/A |
Last Reviewed: | 03/04/2020 |
Effective: | 05/18/2020 |
The purpose of the University Commercial Solicitation and Sales Policy is to ensure compliance with Board of Regents policy regarding campus business activities and to exercise the required business controls and supervision over such activities on the campuses of Middle Georgia State University (MGA). MGA has made a commitment to control and prohibit, where appropriate, sales and Commercial Solicitation, which is not specifically authorized by the University and/or the Board of Regents.
Board of Regents Policy 7.11.2, Business Enterprises, states, “USG institutions shall not permit the operation of private business enterprises on their campuses, except as otherwise provided by contract. All business enterprises operated on a campus of a USG institution shall be operated as auxiliary enterprises and shall be under the direct management, control, and supervision of the chief business officer of the institution (BOR Minutes, 1948-49, pp. 219-20; 1966-67, p. 354).” To avoid disruption of business operations or disturbance of faculty, staff, visitors, and students, the University has implemented this Commercial Solicitation and Sales Policy to clarify where commercial sales can and cannot take place.
For purposes of this policy, “Commercial Solicitation” shall include peddling or otherwise selling, purchasing or offering goods and services for sale or purchase; distributing commercial advertising materials, circulars or product samples; or engaging in any other conduct relating to any for profit outside business or any personal business interests from which an economic benefit is derived or attempted to be derived on University property or using University resources. The sale and distribution of products and services includes any method of marketing by way of direct selling or indirect selling, including the use of posters, flyers, handouts, or other promotional literature. Commercial Solicitation campaign(s) in residence halls, classrooms, administrative buildings or any other campus locations by private individuals, faculty, staff, students, or non-resident students are prohibited. Door-to-door sales in all University facilities are also prohibited.
University Facilities are for the use of the University, its departments and programs. As state owned property, University facilities shall not be used by external organizations and/or individuals whose primary purpose of such use will be to generate a profit. Requests for use of facilities from non-university entities which involve not-for-profit events may be granted on a space available basis, for a fee. As a condition of the approved use of facilities and at the sole discretion of Middle Georgia State University, requesting entities may be required to provide documentation acceptable to the University which will ensure that no profit is to be and/or has been generated. Groups or individuals wishing to distribute non-commercial literature may wish to review MGA’s Freedom of Expression Policy.
The department of Auxiliary Services shall be the only body empowered to conduct sales activity on the Middle Georgia State University campuses. In general, sales and business activity on the part of any individual, group, organization, etc. other than official Auxiliary Services departments shall be prohibited except where special authorization has been specifically granted by the Executive Vice President for Finance and Operations. Sales or Commercial Solicitation in direct competition with the auxiliary operations of the university are prohibited. Contracted university partners are exempt from this policy.
Sales or Commercial Solicitations by vendors related to the promotion or consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco, or products or services that are contrary to the policies or mission of the university are strictly prohibited.
Failure to comply with the above policy may result in the suspension of any approval for Commercial Solicitation and sales under this policy for the remainder of the academic year, discipline, and/or other appropriate sanctions.