5.3.4 Aviation Drug Testing Policy
Proposed: | 07/08/2015 |
Adopted: | 08/07/2015 |
Last Reviewed: | 07/31/2018 |
Effective: | 09/06/2015 |
Middle Georgia State University (MGA) maintains a learning and teaching environment that is drug and alcohol free in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Anti-Drug Provisions of the Georgia Penal Code. Therefore, MGA intends that all aviation students, staff, and instructors, as well as associated individuals on the Georgia Aviation Campus, be free of any chemical impairment during participation in any activities related to training in Flight Management, Air Traffic Management, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Aircraft Structural Technology, or any other aviation program, and during the maintenance of the training aircraft fleet.
Therefore, possession or use of any substance or drug which may impair cognitive or psychomotor function by an aviation student, instructor, or staff member involved in MGA aviation programs is strictly prohibited, either on or off campus property, in vehicles (including, and especially concerning, aircraft), or during internships.
Within the scope of this policy, aviation students, instructors, or staff members are prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, manufacturing, selling, or attempting to sell, illegal substances or drugs. Before being allowed to participate in any aviation training each student must submit to an initial drug screening. Thereafter, each individual will be subject to random testing, reasonable suspicion testing, and other testing as specified herein.
If any student tests positive for illegal substances, alcohol, or abuses prescription medication, the student may be permanently banned from the MGA aviation programs and may be expelled from classes at Middle Georgia State University. Students testing positive will be given “due process” as explained fully in the Student Code of Conduct. Students who test positive may be restricted from any class or program involving flight, maintenance, and/or structural technology pending the resolution of any alleged violations.
Any student attempting and/or altering a drug test will be expelled from MGA aviation programs.
In order to participate in any of the MGA aviation programs, the student must abide by the aforementioned rules and agree to drug testing. Failure to sign a School of Aviation Drug Testing Agreement will result in the student being denied admissions to the cohort program.