9.1.2 Space-Room Usage Change

Added: 11/14/2013
Revised: 07/08/2015
Last Reviewed: 07/31/2018
Effective: 08/07/2015








Any modification of space or room usage must be reported to the Office of Facilities and approved by the Executive VP for Finance & Operations prior to the change occurring.

General Information

The Office of Facilities administers the usage of all spaces on the campuses of Middle Georgia State University (MGA). Accurate space and room utilization information is essential for MGA and is required to be reported to the USG periodically.

The Request for Space/Change of Occupancy and/or Use of Space form should be completed by the requestor and approved by the appropriate department/unit head. The form is submitted to the Office of Facilities. The Office of Facilities will obtain the appropriate VP approvals and notify the requesting office once the change has been approved or denied.

The Request for Space/Change of Occupancy and/or Use of Space form is available on the MGA plant operations website.