Agency Funds
Added: | 12/06/2013 |
Revised: | 07/08/2015 |
Last Reviewed: | 07/31/2018 |
Effective: | 08/07/2015 |
Agency Funds are used to account for resources held by an institution as custodian or fiscal agent for individual students, faculty, staff members or other organizations. Each Agency Account must have a faculty or staff adviser and an Agency Agreement must be completed before the account can be established and the first deposit made.
The USG BOR Business Procedures Manual (BPM), section 14 , provides guidance for agency funds.
Forms can be found on the MGA Accounting Services website.
Agency Account Conditions
- Middle Georgia State University’s relationship is that of a fiscal agent only.
- All requests for disbursement of funds from an organization’s agency account must be signed/approved by a Faculty/Staff Advisor and either the Club/Organization President or Treasurer.
- All clubs/organizations are required to retain club minutes authorizing the use of funds for the purpose stated in the disbursement request.
- Purchasing cards may not be used for any agency account activity (with the exception of Study Abroad). (BPM, sec. 14.4)
- All institution policies and procedures must be followed, as well as applicable US and State of Georgia laws. (BPM, sec. 14.4)
- Accounts with no activity for more than 12 consecutive months are subject to cancellation and the remaining balance will be transferred to a general scholarship account.
- Accounts that do not maintain a positive balance are suspended until the balance is brought back to zero and could be subject to cancellation.
Agency Account Establishment
- Complete an Agency Account Agreement Form.
- If this account is for an Academic organization, forms will need to be approved by the VP for Academic Affairs (VPAA).
- If this account is for a Student Club, forms will need to be approved by the VP for Student Affairs (VPSA).
- Forward signed and approved forms to Accounting Services.
- Accounting Services will notify the requestor when the agency account has been established with the appropriate account segment information.
Agency Account Deposits
- Funds collected from an event should be deposited to the Bursar’s Office within 3 calendar days.
- A completed and signed Agency Account Deposit form must be presented with the appropriate currency. The report of Cash/Checks Received report is optional and provided only to assist you in managing funds.
- MGA encourages organizations to utilize receipts, tickets or some other accountability mechanism when they received funds. Since the organization is a separate entity from MGA, the usage of MGA receipt books is not necessary. The organization can obtain receipt books from an office supply store or if the need is very limited, the organization may obtain a receipt book from the Bursar’s Office.
- All checks received from students must have the student’s MGA student ID written on the check. Agency accounts will be responsible for insufficient fund charges from the bank.
- Physical count of checks, cash and coins must equal the amounts on the deposit form.
- Amounts will be verified at the time of receipt at the Bursar’s window. Upon verification of funds, you will receive either a hand written receipt or a computer printed receipt from the cashier. Inaccurate funds/forms will be returned immediately for correction.
Agency Fund Disbursements
Check Request Form
- A completed and signed Agency Account Check Request form, along with appropriate documentation, must be submitted to Accounting Services.
- Documentation includes an invoice, receipt, registration form, etc.
- The Club/Organization Faculty/Staff advisor is required to approve the check request along with either the approvals of the Club/Organization President or Treasurer.
- The Clubs/Organizations are required to retain club minutes authorizing the use of funds for the purpose stated in the disbursement request.
- Vendors not currently in the Accounting System will need to complete a Vendor Registration Form and submit it to the USG Shared Services Center (SSC). The form is located at https://www.mga.edu/accounting-services/documents.aspx. Completed and signed vendor forms can be submitted with the check request. Check processing for these requests may be delayed due to the time needed by the USG SSC.
- Submit check request forms at least 2-3 weeks prior to check request date.
- Checks are printed on Wednesday afternoons on the Macon Campus.
Cash Advances
Petty Cash Request
- This method may be used when the Advisor or designee requires cash for small purchases less than $50; for example, meeting refreshments to be purchased from the grocery store.
- The Clubs/Organizations are required to retain club minutes authorizing the use of funds for the purpose stated in the disbursement request.
- The Petty Cash Request form can be used in two ways:
- Advisor or designee can either make the purchase then take a completed form and receipt to the Bursar’s Office for cash reimbursement for the exact amount of the purchase.
- Original receipts required.
- Receipt date needs to be within the last 45 days.
- Advisor or designee can take a completed form to the Bursar’s Office and received set amount of cash (less than $50). Make purchase and then return the unused cash and receipts.
- All receipts should be turned into the same Bursar’s Office, where cash was originally obtained, within 7 business days.
- Original Receipts are required and the cash recipient is responsible for lost receipts.
- Previous petty cash requests have to be cleared before another request will be processed.
Cash Advance Request
- This method is for cash advance for more than $50 and must be requested by the faculty/staff advisor.
- Cash Advances will be processed through the T&E Module via Accounting Services.
- Access for cash advances has to be requested and granted by Accounting Services. Instructions will be provided when access is granted.
- The best practice for cash advance payment is by EFT directly to the advisor’s bank account on record from the ADP system. However, a check can be processed if a request is made at the time the Cash Advance Report is submitted.
- The Clubs/Organizations are required to retain club minutes authorizing the use of funds for the purpose stated in the disbursement request.
- Submit Cash Advance Reports at least 2-3 weeks prior to the request date.
- Cash Advance Reports are processed on Tuesdays. If a check is requested, please be aware that all checks are be printed on the Macon Campus.
- An expense report will need to be completed in the T&E module to reconcile the cash advance within 7 business days.
- Any cash remaining (Cash Advance – Receipts) will need to be returned to the Bursar’s Office within 7 business days.
- Cash return receipts will need to be included with the expense report receipts.
Agency Fund Balance Inquiry
- Faculty/Staff advisors can obtain access to view their Agency Account Balance through PeopleSoft, and listing the agency account number in the Budget Information section. Access instructions will be provided when access is granted.
- Club/Organization members can request a balance update by sending an Agency Account Balance Inquiry Form to Accounting Services. Forms will be processed within 2 business days of receipt.