9.1.4 Use of Outdoor Bodies of Water

Proposed: 07/08/2015
Adopted: 08/07/2015
Last Reviewed: 07/31/2018
Effective: 09/06/2015







The use of outdoor bodies of water on all campuses whether natural or manmade including, but not limited to ponds, lakes, streams, and fountains is not permitted unless prior permission is granted by the MGA Department of Plant Operations. This process is not intended to deter the use of these waterways and sources, but rather to ensure that all possible safety precautions are observed, which will educate users of the risk factors associated with the bodies of water. In addition, observing risk factors and knowing safety risks will enhance the institution’s ability to mitigate instances of injury and/or illness.

Potential Risk Factors:

  • Drowning
  • Cuts or wounds due to unseen debris
  • Exposure to microbial organisms or dangerous aquatic organisms
  • Prolonged exposure to cold, heat and sunlight on water is intensified
  • Algae combined with its toxic products and waste

Process for Permission:

  1. Submit a Bodies of Water Permission Form to the MGA Department of Plant Operations.
  2. Fill out the form completely paying particular attention to the rules involved when using MGA body of water. Forward the signed request to Plant Operations for consideration of use.
  3. Once approved you must pick up the Lake Safety Kit from Plant with contents listed below.

Lake Safety Kit Contents:

  • 2- One Size Fits All Safety Life Vests
  • 1- 25 Foot Length of Rope with Life Ring Attached
  • 1- Air Horn Canister
  • General First-Aid Kit

Lake Use Rules:

  • Always wear your securely fastened life vest
  • Always wear sturdy foot ware
  • Limit access into lake to two people at one time maximum
  • Always have at least one person on shore observing at all times
  • No waders are allowed in water bodies because of depth issues in certain locations
  • Access in the water body is limited to the area specified in the permission form by Plant
  • Know emergency phone numbers and have a cell phone on hand in the event that 911 must be contacted. In an emergency call 911 and also contact University Police by dialing (478) 471-2414 or (478) 934-3002.